Suffering's Chalice ~ C ... Healing

Soul Snack 113/14 ... If the Holy Grail that explains suffering was ever unearthed could it be painfully empty?

The three loudest Biblical heroes of suffering are Jesus, Job and Jeremiah.

Unspoken heavenly relief during their deepest hours is a key to auditing the persistent thorns and fertile thistles pricking all each day upon earth. Their pain knew no dulling...

BUT you too have...

wept bitterly in your garden, then was buried in the darkest cave by another's evil...

had your family, wealth and well-being stolen...

been thrown into hollow, deep and mud lined wells and then forgotten...

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12)


No matter the torrent of tears, how dark the cave, how flat the house or how deep the cistern there remains the life-giving dawn of a resurrection Sunday, a hope met from heaven alone.

God still rolls away stones, rebuilds homes and raises individuals, for it is from the Tree of Life that healing is received.

and the leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the nations. (Revelation 22:2c)

Sit in its comforting shade and pick leaves from the Tree of Life, for it is from them alone that life is restored.

Today's Soul Snippet:

The Tree of Knowledge has successfully created theologians but does not, cannot and will not create disciples.

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COMING tomorrow Suffering's Reciprocity