The Secret Place ~ A
Soul Snack 98/13 ...The Secret Place ~ A
God rescued the Israelites from Egypt. He accompanied them to the Sinai desert. Their wilderness was a safe and secret place. They heard from God. He guided all their footsteps, for they belonged to Him. The Lord gifted them sweet manna from heaven. Each day they would gather this candied delight; merely a sufficiency for that day. It could not be stored, except for the Sabbath.
Each morning everyone gathered as much as they needed, and when the sun grew hot, it melted away. (Ex 16:21)
God rescued Elijah from King Ahab. Elijah was secreted in the wilderness alongside the Kerith brook, east of the Jordan. He heard from God too. Elijah was fed bread by ravens morning and night. Neither could he stock-up this divine provision.
Manna is grace from heaven, but it is only sufficient for the day. It commands trust for the next day, for it cannot be stored.
Manna is received in the secret place (the wilderness of the soul maybe).
There is no banking of grace - it must be fetched each morning.
You can't bank the bread of heaven, but you can sure bank on it arriving.
Find your own secret place each day, for it contains the honey of heaven.
Today's Soul Snippet:
"Devotions will make you productive, but production does not make you devoted."
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