5 Smooth Stones to fell your Goliath#
Giants still menace every Christian life, those who choose to travel those rocky and thorn edged paths of faith.
Goliaths still tower over believers, filled by pride they threaten loss and then death. Their god is their might, but their arrogance is their downfall. The foolish proud ones whose trust is in themselves cannot defeat a pure faith in Heaven. (Is not the purest faith, the faith of a child?)
The Lord had already delivered the teenage David from the paws of lions and the jaws of bears. He correctly reasoned that a very large Philistine soldier was no match for His Lord. So David lifted five smooth stones from a stream, slid them in his pouch and ran out to confront the boasting Philistine.
David only needed just one smooth stone. It sank into Goliath's forehead and this enemy then sank forward in death... for the battle always belongs to the Lord. (1 Samuel 18:47). David still held four spare stones.
Below are listed five verses, the smooth stones to defeat your goliath - but you will only need one (which one?):
- I run in the path of your commands for You have set my heart free (Psalm 119:32)
- Do not be afraid for I am with you (Jeremiah 1:8)
- You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You (Isaiah 26:3)
- I sought the Lord and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears (Psalm 34:4)
- Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the one who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.
Today's Soul Snippet:
Righteous men pursue righteous acts for these they have learned from the Lord.
ENJOY ~ Closing in on the Cliff of Fear?
#Inspired by Beth Taylor
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